Recommended contents and contributions

Website of Heinz Grill
Contributions to a new Yoga Will. An individual yoga path for shaping sociability.

Casa artistica di Barbara in Naone – An ecological project with Art, Nature and Spirituality
that is thought of as a vivid example for a future culture. A chance to meet Heinz Grill personally.

School of spirituality in Lundo

Study days and meditation with Heinz Grill. A chance to meet Heinz Grill personally.

Academy for Yoga and a free standing position in life
Yoga Advanced Training with Heinz Grill. Yoga teachers and yoga practitionars of any yogastile are invited.

Spiritual Internships
4-6 week internships at the school of spirituality in Lundo, with daily study work in the field of yoga, soul exercises, meditation and collaboration in the ecological project Naone. Independent to any particular spiritual direction.

Stephan Wunderlich Publishing
Literature encouraging the Ability to form Life Creatively.

Nature photographs with a special aesthetics

Interview for the english speaking world
Heinz Grill speaks about the meaning of depth with Karen Patterson. Interview on YouTube